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        About UPSC

        Home /UPSC /UPSC Introduction

        Urban Planning Society of China Brief Introduction


        Inaugurated in 1956, Urban Planning Society of China(UPSC) is the authoritative organization consists of urban development, planning, construction and management institutions as well as practitioners in China. It has been accredited for consecutive 6 years as distinguished academic social organization by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).

        As one of the five major planning organizations in the world, UPSC’s members include  certified urban planners, senior planners, architects, engineers and experts in related areas, of whom some are esteemed academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Engineering. Institutional membership covers many Grade A planning institutes.

        UPSC promotes planning knowledge and technologies globally, including providing consulting service to governmental agencies at different levels, publishing planning books, journals and other materials, protecting the legitimate rights of urban planners, boosting planning professional development, also granting honor and awards to distinguished individuals or organizations.

        UPSC publishes globally. Our flagship academic journal, China City Planning Review (CCPR) is the one and only professional and academic English periodical in the area of urban planning and design by Chinese institutes. UPSC and its members also publish a series of academic books, reports and articles for non-Chinese readers. UPSC also co-publishes "Phoenix City", "Human habitation", "Urban Transport" and "small Town Construction".

        UPSC annually organizes over 100 international and national academic activities to promote planning knowledge and technologies, among them Annual National Planning Conference(ANPC)is the most popular academic meeting for planners around China since 2001. ANPC has been organized in Hangzhou, Xiamen, Beijing, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Ha’erbin, Dalian, Tianjin, Chongqing, Nanjing, Kunming, Qingdao, Haikou, Shenyang, Dongguan, Hangzhou.

        With the advantages of multi-disciplinary, cross sector and international background, UPSC provides diversified comprehensive, forward-looking customized planning consulting services to domestic and international partners. UPSC consulting services include providing technical support to National Legislation and Urban Policy Formulation, taking a leading role in formulation of Major Urban Strategies and Plans such as Xiong’an New District, China’s 4 Coastal Special Economic Zone Cities, 14 Coastal Open Cities and Hainan Island, and new districts such as Shanghai Pudong, Tianjin Binhai, Chongqing Liangjiang and other National New Districts. UPSC has also been professionalized in organizing international proposals solicitation and competition for Nanjing Jiangbei New District Strategic Plan 2049, Master Plan for Zhoushan Islands National New District and Xiong’an New District.

        Over the years, UPSC has built up its global network and represented China’s urban planning academia in the world. As the official representative of China, UPSC is an institutional member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners(ISOCARP). It is a registered consultancy partner of UN-Habitat and the World Bank. UPSC has been recognized by the United Nations (UN) to closely work with UN Human Settlements Programme(UN-HABITAT) for the over 10 years, especially in preparation of Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. The Society also has a formal consultative status with World Bank (WB). UPSC in collaboration with other national planning organizations initiated Planner for Climate Action under the UNFCCC in 2017. UPSC’s national partners include but not limited to American Planning Association(APA), Italinia Urbanistica (INU), Korea Planners Association (KPA), City Planning Institute of Japan (CPIJ), British Council, Hong Kong Institute of Planners (KIP), and etc.